
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

5 Months and 3 Weeks more to goooooo....

Assalamualaikum and Happy Tuesday. :)

Korang sihat?
i hope korang sihat and happy always.

Nak cite pasal ape eh?

Okla nak cite about my practical in Rumah Thai, Taman Melati, kl
Seminggu dah praktikal kat sana.
ada 6 orang Pelatih PUNB yang practical kat sana.
Kak Wan, Eqa, Ekin, Kak Rini, Kak Rin and me.
Sorila x sempat nak capture pic.

Kerja kat sana okla.
as a waiter.
ambil order, hantar minuman dan makanan dan kemas meja.

Ramai kawan2 yang tanya why kerja as a waiter.
idk how to answer it because my boss want me to work as a waiter.
lagipun kitchen kat rumah thai tersangatla kecil.
muat untuk 4 orang jek and i belum mahir lagi nak kerja under Thai's Kitchen.
take time kot. Dulu kerja pun kat The Loaf's kitchen as Commis 2.
tu pun x sampai setahun.hehe

i'll story to u later.
Thank You for reading my story

To be continue...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Packing Bags :'(

Assalamualaikum and Happy Sunday!

i Hope you guys sihat with your loved one.

Rite now, i tengah pack beg untuk balik hostel.
haish. Malas gila nak pack beg.

Tomorrow, 3 Mei 2010.
Cepat betul masa berlalu.
tup tup je dah start kerja baru.
Environment baru, Kawan Baru and semua barula.
Hope semuanya ok. Amin.

See you guys later,
Thank you for reading my story.

To be continue....